BBSA Job Opportunities: Director & Project Manager
The Biodiversity Biobanks South Africa is a network of institutions that preserve, maintain and utilise South Africa’s vast biodiversity biobanking resources – and provide critical research infrastructure for answering important questions about the world we live in.
As a research infrastructure project funded by the Department of Science & Innovation (DSI) and co-ordinated and hosted by the South African National Biodiversity Institute (SANBI), the Biodiversity Biobanks South Africa (BBSA) provides a coordinating structure across several of South Africa’s existing biodiversity biobanks, with the main aim of increasing the range and quality of samples stored and/or distributed, and increasing and improving access for research and development through a single, centralised data portal, which will also allow more strategic collection of samples.
There are several job opportunities available at the BBSA. Find out more below – and please note: all applications are due by Friday 31 May 2024.
Director: Collections Management – BBSA Lead
The South African National Biodiversity Institute (SANBI) is looking for a highly motivated individual to provide strategic leadership, direction and management for the Biodiversity Biobanks South Africa (BBSA) which is a network of institutions including science councils and universities that hold biodiversity biobanks (e.g. gene banks, seed banks, DNA banks, microbial cultures, wildlife disease biobanks) and is one of the Department of Science & Innovation’s research infrastructure projects hosted by SANBI.
Find out more and apply here:
Deputy Director: BBSA Project Management
The South African National Biodiversity Institute (SANBI) is looking for a highly motivated individual to provide project management for the Biodiversity Biobanks South Africa (BBSA) which is a network of institutions including science councils and universities that hold biodiversity biobanks (e.g. gene banks, seed banks, DNA banks, microbial cultures, wildlife disease biobanks) and is one of the Department of Science & Innovation’s research infrastructure projects hosted by SANBI.
Find out more and apply here:
And one more thing…
There are also job opportunities available at the BBSA’s sister project, the Natural Science Collections Facility (NSCF). South Africa has an estimated 100 natural science collections at approximately 40 institutions. Together they provide over 18 million objects or specimens representing about 100,000 different species of plants, animals, and fungi.The NSCF is a virtual Facility, comprised of a network of institutions – museums, herbaria, universities and science councils – that hold natural science collections that are accessible to external researchers.
Director: Collections Management – NSCF Lead
The South African National Biodiversity Institute (SANBI) is looking for a highly motivated individual to provide strategic leadership, direction and management for the Natural Science Collections Facility (NSCF) which is a network of institutions including museums, science councils and universities that hold natural science collections and is one of the Department of Science & Innovation’s research infrastructure projects hosted by SANBI.
Find out more and apply here:
For more information about the Biodiversity Biobanks South Africa, please visit our BBSA FAQ page, or follow us on:
- Facebook: @BioBankSA
- Twitter: @BioBankSA
- LinkedIn: Biodiversity Biobanks South Africa
- YouTube: @BiodiversityBiobanksSA
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And if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to visit our Contact Page, or email us on Don’t be shy – we want to hear from you!

What are biodiversity biobanks?
Biodiversity biobanks are repositories of biologically relevant resources, including reproductive tissues such as seeds, eggs and sperm, other tissues including blood, DNA extracts, microbial cultures (active and dormant), and environmental samples containing biological communities….